In the 365-day journey of our planet around the sun, there are times of particular power which are celebrated in some form throughout all world religions, past, and present. The planetary year is quartered by four such major points of power, two of which are the autumnal and vernal equinoxes (fall and spring) which take place each year around the time of March 23 and September 23. These are the times in the year when the magnetic power of the moon is at its strongest as evidenced by the high tides which happen at these times. The pull of the moon is so powerful that it draws all liquids on earth towards itself and, when this pull is at its strongest, the evidence of this attraction can be most easily registered and even plotted in advance.
The two other major power points of the year are the solstices, which are the times of the celebration of the maximum incoming power of the sun. We now approach the time of the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. The increased effects of the pull of the magnetic power of the moon at the time of the vernal and autumnal equinoxes are easy to see because this power manifests more obviously in the physical worlds in ways that can be measured, such as in the rise and fall of the tides. The effects caused by the increase of the powers of the incoming energies of the sun at the time of the solstices tend to be more subtle. Thus, at the time of the Winter Solstice we see many celebrations taking place which were originally based in understandings of the heightened potency of the energy worlds at this time.
The effect of the increase in the incoming energies of the sun causes an increase in power of the energy worlds of the planet. This, in turn, causes increased energetic radiation within and around all forms of life. This can be seen in the energy fields of all living beings which respond to these strengthening energetic signals from the inner spiritual power of the sun. It is just such a sense of something extra being around that you may have heard referred to as “Xmas presence” and the “spirit of Xmas.” Xmas tide is indeed an incoming tide of energetics, which is why it is known to us by names such as Yuletide and Xmas tide. This time, however, the tide is not so easy to see physically (as in the increased tides in the oceans that are caused by the pull of the moon) but are more energetic in their nature. This time the tide is an incoming tide of extra power from the sun rather than the magnetic, outgoing pull of the lunar power. An ancient symbol for the sun is the solar cross or “X” and so Xmas tide is indeed an accurate name for this original celebration of magnified and multiplied solar power. In this context, it is interesting to note that X is the symbol for multiplication which gives a further insight into the increase in solar power at this time.
The celebration of Xmas by decorating a tree was caused by a person witnessing the energetic lights which can be seen in trees at this time of year, if one has the eyes to see them. This practice began in Bavaria and legend has it that it was Martin Luther, founder of the Protestant Reformation, who first decorated a Xmas tree to celebrate the lights around a tree that he witnessed in the Black Forest. When there is additional solar power passing through organic life of any kind, it boosts the energies in their systems. In the case of a person, it causes increased power in the mind, soul, and energy field; in the case of plants and animals, there is a boosting of their etheric field. Seeing this etheric field is what caused the beginning of the tradition of decorating the Xmas tree. The tinsel represents the lines of silver energy that pass through the energy field of the tree and the colored balls can actually be seen shimmering in the energy worlds when you are fortunate enough to see such a sight.
World religions have used the power of these four quarters of the year to sustain their religious festivals and celebrations from the time of their beginnings. These four quarters of the year are natural times of celebration of universal energies and how they manifest on earth. It is not by chance that Christianity took the day of the festival of Mithras, December 25th, and claimed it as the birthdate of Christ. If you look at the church calendar you will see that the Annunciation to Mary of her pregnancy is celebrated as happening on December 8th. If we go forward 9 months from there we discover that Christ would be born under the astrological sign of Virgo (thus the idea of being born of a virgin) and would not be a Capricorn at all and certainly not born on December 25th. The reason for declaring December 25th as the Nativity is that three days after the Solstice, after the sun appears to be stationary in the sky, once again the sun appears to move in the heavens and the days begin to lengthen once more. Thus light is victorious over darkness. The deeper meaning of the celebration of the lights, however, is the spiritual power and light of the sun, which can be celebrated both at the time of the Winter and the Summer Solstice.
The celebration of solar power by the illumination of lights is not only about the lengthening of the days and the advent of more light (at least in the Northern Hemisphere) but is about the magnification of the energetic power and possibility to reset our lives for the year to come in the new higher energies of the solar presence. When we are in tune with the four quarters of the year, we can use both the solstice times to help empower our mind, charge our soul, and illuminate our energy field. We can also use the power of the equinoxes to help us discard matters we want to have fall away from us (in the fall) and help towards the planting of the new (in the spring).
In this month’s teleseminar we will explore many of the practices which exist to celebrate the power of the solstice and also explore how we can catch the incoming wave of this power to help progress our lives.
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